I'd listen to the words he'd say
but in his voice I heard decay
the plastic face forced to portray
all the insides left cold and gray
there is a place that still remains
it eats the fear it eats the pain
the sweetest price he'll have to pay
the day the whole world went away
Venerdì 07 Novembre 2014
Free Entry fino all' 01:00
Ai primi 100 omaggio la nuova Membership Subbacultcha.
RockStar Floor
Spiral 69
Alternative Electro New Wave 80's Metal Rock Glam Punk Clash
Unsafe Floor
Dj Diego Dionisio (Krypta Night)
Dj Nina Logan
Goth EBM Death Rock TBM Industrial Dark Wave
Subbacultcha Negative Dancers
Rock Out "Female Power" Photo
Silvia Mongelli
La Piccionaia
Rock Out With Your Cock Out
Subba Members 5€
Lista 5€
Porta 10€
Open H 23:00
Close H 05:00
?Free Entry fino all'01:00
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