Sat'day 6 Sept...Ex Voto & "La Notte Noir"...Black Hole...Viale Umbria 118, Milan
Ex Voto returns for the opening of the new season in the venue of Black Hole.
The last two June events have increased the enthusiasm and art director Viola Violetta for this debut in collaboration with La Notte Noir, gives a great show and this is the result &on the stage of the historic location of Viale Umbria will play the MARLAT.
Sounds that make sensations
After their performance, the console will blazes the dancefloor.
At resident djs Lenz and Skull for Ex Voto and djTonyEsse (the legendary Tony Satanika) for "La Notte Noir, a very welcome guest djMask and a wished return of dj Vision.
5 djs, each with its own unmistakable style that will make you dance all the night!
Viola Violetta once again wants to give a precise identity to her evening.
And in the room "AttimisuPellicola" and Alexander Ridolfo still capture every moment of the evening with their photographs........ memories of life.
Are you ready to dream again?
Evento inserito il 14/08/2014, visto 2163 volte (rate:6.07)
Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
(angolo via Cena 1 - Zona XXII Marzo)
Tel: 349/46.69.374
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