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sabato 26/10/2013

Ex Voto-White Synthetic

While the credits scrolled quickly last night, Ex Voto sheds its skin&
&with a change of location, to q21 in Via Padova, two dance-floors and once again a sound and emotions. In the main room, the Dark-Wave Ex Voto, his music&in the 2nd room Viola Violetta - s new creature - White Synthetic - the Cold-Wave school, with minimal analogue sounds.
Viola was able to carefully capture the desire for the evolution of the Milan music scene and this new - dimension - is awaited with great enthusiasm both by the - die-hard - and new-guys of the scene.
The opening night is scheduled for October 26th&the q21 main room will be inflamed by a performance of absolute class&Grimilde Sweetpoison and Sascha Van De Graaff will bring their collective imagination in a space suspended between spell and reality&their show - noir - is the perfect prelude to what will happen on the consoles immediately after&dj skull, dandy Noir, Dj Virus for Ex Voto and Moreno 101, Tot En Tanz and still dj Skull for - White Synthetic - who will take turns to animated the dance floors of q21 with their dj-set.
A very welcome guest will be the lovely Dj Froxeanne, keyboardist of - FROZEN AUTUMN - returned to the acclaimed American Tour with her band&and then&the Story of the Milan Dark-Wave Scene&NIKITA.
A side dish for the evening will be the creation of the brand - T-Shirt for Zombies -
Ex Voto&one heart&two souls
Luca Sponzilli
Evento inserito il 17/10/2013, visto 2685 volte (rate:3.76)


Via Padova 21


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
Zona Piazzale Loreto

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18/10/2013 02:03, Luca Sponzilli []
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