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sabato 01/02/2025

Krypta Night + Metamorphosis Concerto Mal Di Luna

After live 2 rooms dj set
Musick to play in the Dark
ROOM 1_ [Live + Disco]
Music by Diegus, Severance & Chemnitz
Alternative Disco Dark Retro Wave Neo Post-Punk Goth 80's & 90's EBM Techno Industrial Metal Punk
ROOM 2_ [Chillout Zona + Disco]
Music by Lestat & Dark Phoenix
Minimal Synth Industrial ColdWave Gothic Rock Batcave Deathrock Neofolk
Special Guest DJ: Simone "Hellvis" Salvatori from Spiritual Front

DRESS CODE CONSIGLIATO: Neo Goth - Leather dress - Dark Cabaret - High elegance - Fantasy - Freaky - Fet - BDSM - Drag Queen/King - PVC - Latex - Lingerie - Uniform - Military - Medical - Steampunk - Burlesque - Alternative - Cyber - Hot Cosplay - Medieval - Wasteland - Horror Costume - Total Black & more
All genres. Must wear all black. Total Black

Evento inserito il 22/01/2025, ultimo aggiornamento del 23/01/2025, visto 125 volte (rate:2.55)

Artisti in concerto

Mal Di Luna

Mal di Luna is the gothic band founded by Chris Glenn, a musician and DJ based in Trieste, a cosmopolitan city on the Adriatic Sea in northeastern Italy.
The guitar is played by Giovanni Bertossi and the drums by Michael Bonanno, the songs are composed and recorded with the producer Lorenzo Visintin.


Zoo bar

Via Generale Roberto Bencivenga 1


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
angolo via momentana
Email: info@zoobar.roma.it
Tel: 339/27.27.995

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