Metamorphosis Traffic Rock Garden Concerto Dead Channel
Una giungla di piante tropicali e di ritmi esotici / esoterici. Infuocheremo la vostra calda estate rovente, nel giardino più Rock della Capitale.
Dead Channel live-
(Industrial Metal)
Dead Channel is an "Electronic Metal" band designed at the end of 2008 by poly instrumentalist Milo Silvestro.
He refers to his band as Electronic Metal mostly because of the high amount of electronic music contamination by using synth sequences, samples, loops and effected vocals. This features coexist perfectly with heavy downtuned guitars and bass. They priviledge syncopated grooves in their rythmic spine, although they also leave some space for double-bass patterns and tight industrial beats.
Lyrics are mostly about revolting against controlling authorities, mass approval, death of emotions and last but not least against monogamy and controlled religions. In their first offical self-titled album the lyrics tell a whole story song after song, wich makes it a "concept album". The story incorporates classical Dead Channel themes such as hatred for monogamy and religion and stimulating people to "think with their own minds" instead of being
mind-influenced by society and authorities.
The name Dead Channel has been chosen as a metaphor, where people are costantly receiving "working signals" in their brains by controlling entities, whereas according to the message of the band they should turn that signal off and be tuned on the "dead channel" in order to stop receiving false information and deleterious indoctrination, being freely able to formulate their own thoughts.
official event >
Music by Anth Severance, Paolo Chemnitz & Tony Lestat
Metamorphosis - Musick To Play In The Dark
All genres. Must wear all black. Total Black.
New Wave, neo Post-Punk, Tropical Punk & Voodoo Rock, proto Ebm & Industrial music for emotional engagement, intellectual stimulation, energetic dancing and nostalgic enjoyment.
Use Hearing Protection - 100% vinyl vibe.
Electronic 80's 90's Acid Techno Downtempo New Beat Disco
Ingressi contingentati in base alle disposizioni vigenti riguardo le attività di intrattenimento e somministrazione cibo e bevande, quindi prenotazione consigliata e distanze di sicurezza.
Info - 39 333 2572070
Tutti gli eventi nella stessa data
Artisti in concerto
Dead Channel
Organizzazione evento
Via Prenestina, 738
Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
da Piazzale Prenestino 7 minuti (1 minuto dopo il quagliaro) dal GRA uscita 16 verso il centro 5 minuti
112 da Largo Preneste Notturno n.18 da piazza Venezia
Il locale si è trasferito in via prenestina nel 2011. Prima di allora era in vVia Vacuna 98

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