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sabato 29/04/2017

Atmosphere Concerto VV The Void

VV The Void live sabato 29 aprile h 22.30 al MIkasa via Emilio Zago 14, Bologna
H 00.00 djset by Atmosphere
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/vvandthevoid/?fref=ts
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ie6sNy8srY&t=78s

Formed in Melbourne, Australia in 2014, Valentina Veil started VV & The Void and quickly gained the attention of followers, music writers, and producers in the international and underground music scenes of Melbourne, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Berlin, and throughout Italy. Early attention from her past bands as a multi-instrumentalist and songwriter with such acts as The Valentines and 1984, at a young age had the early achievements of being the opening act for artists like Peter Murphy from Bauhaus and Legendary Pink Dots, in Rome. After moving to Berlin, she joined a band called House of Light. Playing the synths and singing, they toured extensively in US, Europe, and
Australia. As VV & the Void, Valentina Veil has written, recorded, and produced her first full-length album, titled, “The Upper Room.” This debut album (set for release in Fall of 2016) was mixed by Lindsay Gravina (HTRK, The
Birthday Party, Rowland S. Howard, Swervedriver) at Birdland Studios, in Melbourne, Australia.
Often described as ethereal, gothic, minimal-drone, noir, and dark wave, VV & the Void’s music is the singular celebration of earthly and lucid dichotomy of grace and disproportion, the feminine and the masculine, the
moon and the sun, birth and death, and the war of consciousness from the perspective of unconsciousness.
VV & the Void is Valentina Veil (vox/guitar), Yuro Chain (bass guitar), Sven Claussen (synths). They will be touring and playing shows throughout Europe and the US, all year.
Look out for their new album, “The Upper Room” this fall.

Ingresso 5 euro con tessera AICS
Info: 388 94 13 542 – giuseppe123_2@libero.it

Con la tessera AICS è possibile accedere anche al Locomotiv, Freakout e Link, tutti club dove troverete ottima musica.
E' possibile fare la tessera anche direttamente al locale
Evento inserito il 04/04/2017, ultimo aggiornamento del 06/04/2017, visto 1354 volte (rate:1.05)

Artisti in concerto

VV The Void

Organizzazione evento



Via Emilio Zago, 14

Bologna (BO)

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