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sabato 28/02/2015

Ex Voto Dark-Night

Ex Voto - Dark Night....Sat'day Feb 28th 2015..Q21..Via Padova 21, Milan

Where were we?
Dec 21th 2013 it was…

Ex Voto returns to Q21.Viola Violetta wants to give a secret night where the imagination will be suspended between imaginary and desire.
An event into event.

So! the Console where at two residents djs Lenz and Vision will take turns two very welcome special guests…a return for dj Maks and for the first time in Milan, dj Kalashnikov…

The Sounds of Dark, New Wave, Post-Punk, Synth-pop and New Romantic will inflame the dancefloor.

Ex VoTo tonight will have a special partners ... in the 2nd Room, "Synth/Omo" by Fabio Puppen Cannizzaro, a dream journey from trip-hop, electro-pop and 80s grooves.

And in the Rooms, the unmissable photographs by attimi su pellicola and Alessandro Ridolfo.

Not missed... Ex Voto will blow your mind... once more!

“ Winter rain falls, see life images go away...can you still tell heaven from hell ? ”

Luca Sponzilli

Evento inserito il 23/02/2015, ultimo aggiornamento del 25/02/2015, visto 1508 volte


Via Padova 21


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
Zona Piazzale Loreto
Linee Metropolitana M1/M2

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