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mercoledi 29/10/2003


Selezioni gothic e deathrock e apocalyptic a cura di dj Mish from Ascension Magazine... ...Altered States, Asylum, And Also The Trees, Alien Sex Fiend, Autumn, Astrovamps, Ausgang, Bloody Dead + Sexy, Bauhaus, Belfegore, Bella Morte, Christian Death, Crisis, The Chameleons, The Cruxshadows, Creaming Jesus, The Cramps, Cinema Strange, Clan Of Xymox, Catastrophe Ballet, Children On Stun, Danse Society, Dreadful Shadows, Dismal, Der Blutharsch, Dream Disciples, Death Cult, The Damned, Death In June, Diva Destruction, Dronning Maud Land, Element, Excession, Every New Dead Ghost, Faith & The Muse, Fields Of The Nephilim, Funhouse, Frankenstein, Frank The Baptist, Ghostdance, In The Nursery, Killing Miranda, Love Like Blood, The Last Dance, Leisure Hive, London After Midnight, Libitina, Madre Del Vizio, March Violets, Mephisto Walz, The Mission, Moonspell, Merry Thoughts, Mercurine, Murder At The Registry, NMA, NFD, Nosferatu, Neva, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Of The Wand & The Moon, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio, Ordeal By Fire, Play Dead, Rosetta Stone, Red Lorry, Sex Gang Children, Specimen, Sieben, Still Patient?, Sol Invictus, Sins Of The Flesh, Sisters, Seraphim Shock, Siouxsie & The Banshees, The Stooges, Tiamat, Theatre Of Tragedy, Theatre Of Hate, Type O Negative, UK Decay, Vendemmian, Violet Stigmata, Virgin Prunes, The Vanishing, Voices Of Masada, The 69 Eyes, The Wake, Xmal Deutschland, Zeraphine... e molto altro!

Organizzazione evento


Klec blazna

via don bosco 69


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Tangenziale Nord uscita C.SO REGINA
Email: klec.blazna@virgilio.it
Tel: 011 482479

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