domenica 10/04/2005
Concerto Nitwiz + The nerds
Una presentazione Gramlive
Arrivano così i temibili olandesi Nitwitz, la cui carriera è spezzata in 2 tronconi: il primo dal 1978 al 1982 ed il secondo a partire dalla reunion del 1996 sino ad oggi. La band formata da Benito Gasolini, Dick Ginger, McSteven e Tony Slug si cimenta con un'altra song da sogno a titolo _Top alcohol_ (tratta da _Up-tight_ del 2001). I Nitwitz lasciano quasi del tutto inalterata la song originale, rendendola lievemente più raw_n_wild nel cantanto ed inserendo una parte pervasa da un recitato alquanto sboccato. I Nitwitz rivedono con intelligenza, senza snaturare e mostrano buone doti tecniche ed attitudinali.
Nitwitz sono la creatura di Tony Slug e sono uno dei gruppi punk olandesi più vecchi e rinomati. In giro dal 1980, i NITWITZ da Amsterdam Murder Capitol compaiono in raccolte punk come "Killed By Epitaph" (dedicata al punk Belga/Olandese `77/`82) e hanno fatto la storia del punk nordeuropeo. Tony Slug ha suonato, tra gli altri, nei BGK (storica hardcore band olandese che ha girato gli USA più volte sotto l`ala protettiva di Alternative Tentacles), negli HYDROMATICS al fianco di Nick Royale e Scott Morgan, nei LOVESLUG, gli SPADES e via dicendo... è un chitarrista eccezionale e i NITWITZ sono davvero una band incredibile.
Forti di uscite europee e americane, tra cui il loro primo album "The Dark Side of the Spoon" uscito su GET HIP, i NITWITZ sono ora in tour europeo presentando il nuovo CD "Sex, Lies and Duct tape" su Rocketdog/Cargo Germany.
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THE NERDS are a four-piece band comin' outta Italy and formed in 1997. They deliver an evil kind of rock'n'roll mayhem in the vein of ANTiSEEN, GG ALLIN, DWARVES, BULEMICS and pervert rock bands alike_ they released a split with the Italian band ORANGE JUICE FROM THE CRYPT and two singles on their own before signing for Stardumb Records in Holland and releasing their first full length "Just because she didn't wanna fuck" in December 2000. This record has liner notes provided by Jeff Clayton and Gerry Atric, respectively singers for the great bands ANTiSEEN and THE BULEMICS, and started a new friendship and collaboration between the Italian band and the Confederacy of Scum ones. THE NERDS reached an higher level with the intensity and fast-as-fuck power of their first album who gained 'em ranting reviews all over the world bringing the band to his first tour of Holland and Belgium _ they played with greats such as THE SPADES (who covered their song "Beat Me" on their first album out on Suburban) and EL GUAPO STUNTEAM delivering tight, fast rockin' sets that left people impressed and stages electrified. Shortly after, Scarey Records outta Italy released a split with the FRANKENSTEIN DRAG QUEENS, Confederacy of Scum band led by actual singer of THE MURDERDOLLS Wednesday 13. After another blitzkrieg in Holland in march 2002 where THE NERDS also opened for their all-time-heroes ANTiSEEN and also had Jeff Clayton on stage performing a sonic rendition of their hit "Animals eat'em", the Italians delivered another great record, the 10" split with the TUNNEL RATS, another CoS band, always on Scarey Records, actually the band's home label. Great reviews came in and other great shows were played all over Northern Italy spreading mayhem and havoc and always leaving the audiences in wild satisfaction. The band released another split 7" with Texas' HAMMERCOCKS on Zurich Chainsaw Massacre label in april 2003 with a small tour of Germany and Switzerland to follow. Their second full length "A Black Star burning trails to Nowhere" hasl been released in april 04 by SCAREY RECORDS. The record has just started getting very good critical acclaim all over the world, and THE NERDS supported it with a European tour with american band TORG in april 04. The actual aim for THE NERDS is to play as much as possible spreading their unique brand of evil rock'n'roll wherever people still want to see a truly good and electric rock show.
INFOLINE - 340.708.32.77
Arrivano così i temibili olandesi Nitwitz, la cui carriera è spezzata in 2 tronconi: il primo dal 1978 al 1982 ed il secondo a partire dalla reunion del 1996 sino ad oggi. La band formata da Benito Gasolini, Dick Ginger, McSteven e Tony Slug si cimenta con un'altra song da sogno a titolo _Top alcohol_ (tratta da _Up-tight_ del 2001). I Nitwitz lasciano quasi del tutto inalterata la song originale, rendendola lievemente più raw_n_wild nel cantanto ed inserendo una parte pervasa da un recitato alquanto sboccato. I Nitwitz rivedono con intelligenza, senza snaturare e mostrano buone doti tecniche ed attitudinali.
Nitwitz sono la creatura di Tony Slug e sono uno dei gruppi punk olandesi più vecchi e rinomati. In giro dal 1980, i NITWITZ da Amsterdam Murder Capitol compaiono in raccolte punk come "Killed By Epitaph" (dedicata al punk Belga/Olandese `77/`82) e hanno fatto la storia del punk nordeuropeo. Tony Slug ha suonato, tra gli altri, nei BGK (storica hardcore band olandese che ha girato gli USA più volte sotto l`ala protettiva di Alternative Tentacles), negli HYDROMATICS al fianco di Nick Royale e Scott Morgan, nei LOVESLUG, gli SPADES e via dicendo... è un chitarrista eccezionale e i NITWITZ sono davvero una band incredibile.
Forti di uscite europee e americane, tra cui il loro primo album "The Dark Side of the Spoon" uscito su GET HIP, i NITWITZ sono ora in tour europeo presentando il nuovo CD "Sex, Lies and Duct tape" su Rocketdog/Cargo Germany.
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Per info varie ed eventuali sulla band, visitate il sito ufficiale o My Space
THE NERDS are a four-piece band comin' outta Italy and formed in 1997. They deliver an evil kind of rock'n'roll mayhem in the vein of ANTiSEEN, GG ALLIN, DWARVES, BULEMICS and pervert rock bands alike_ they released a split with the Italian band ORANGE JUICE FROM THE CRYPT and two singles on their own before signing for Stardumb Records in Holland and releasing their first full length "Just because she didn't wanna fuck" in December 2000. This record has liner notes provided by Jeff Clayton and Gerry Atric, respectively singers for the great bands ANTiSEEN and THE BULEMICS, and started a new friendship and collaboration between the Italian band and the Confederacy of Scum ones. THE NERDS reached an higher level with the intensity and fast-as-fuck power of their first album who gained 'em ranting reviews all over the world bringing the band to his first tour of Holland and Belgium _ they played with greats such as THE SPADES (who covered their song "Beat Me" on their first album out on Suburban) and EL GUAPO STUNTEAM delivering tight, fast rockin' sets that left people impressed and stages electrified. Shortly after, Scarey Records outta Italy released a split with the FRANKENSTEIN DRAG QUEENS, Confederacy of Scum band led by actual singer of THE MURDERDOLLS Wednesday 13. After another blitzkrieg in Holland in march 2002 where THE NERDS also opened for their all-time-heroes ANTiSEEN and also had Jeff Clayton on stage performing a sonic rendition of their hit "Animals eat'em", the Italians delivered another great record, the 10" split with the TUNNEL RATS, another CoS band, always on Scarey Records, actually the band's home label. Great reviews came in and other great shows were played all over Northern Italy spreading mayhem and havoc and always leaving the audiences in wild satisfaction. The band released another split 7" with Texas' HAMMERCOCKS on Zurich Chainsaw Massacre label in april 2003 with a small tour of Germany and Switzerland to follow. Their second full length "A Black Star burning trails to Nowhere" hasl been released in april 04 by SCAREY RECORDS. The record has just started getting very good critical acclaim all over the world, and THE NERDS supported it with a European tour with american band TORG in april 04. The actual aim for THE NERDS is to play as much as possible spreading their unique brand of evil rock'n'roll wherever people still want to see a truly good and electric rock show.
INFOLINE - 340.708.32.77
Evento inserito il 05/04/2005, visto 2499 volte
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