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sabato 17/01/2015

Ex Voto Dark-night Concerto Lubjanka

Sat'day Jan 17th 2015..Ex Voto - Dark Night..BH Black Hole Milano

Forgot the last night,Ex-Voto returns for the 1st evening of the year 2015.
Art Director Viola Violetta was able to capture people's desire and this time she brings back a live-act in her event.
This night, on the stage of BH will play LUBJANKA.
Once again, Viola gives a precise identity where the Sounds Post-Punk and Dark-Wave are the themes of the night.
At Residents djs Lenz and Vision for " Ex Voto" and the legend Tony Satanika DjTony Esse for La Notte Noir , Ex Voto will have a very welcome guest: dj Pervert.
Something more than just a console, tonight
Their sounds are the perfect mood to what will happen in the dancefloor&it will be impossible to stand still!
And in the room, the stolen shots by " attimi su pellicola and Alessandro Ridolfo as images of your while.
Ex Voto& every night just gets better than the one before.

Luca Sponzilli
Evento inserito il 06/01/2015, ultimo aggiornamento del 13/01/2015, visto 1979 volte (rate:0.23)

Artisti in concerto

Black hole

Viale Umbria 118


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
(angolo via Cena 1 - Zona XXII Marzo)
Tel: 349/46.69.374

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