KELUAR [Berlin - feat. members of Linea Aspera, Schwefelgelb & Knothole] - bio
Keluar started as an exchange of ideas between Berlin and London, eventually settling in Berlin. Melting together strong rhythms with a melodic voice in homogeneous atmospheres is the main musical focus. The lyrics are an exploration of the nature of the mind cast through the lens of personal experiences.
Keluar è il progetto di Alison Lewis (ex Linea Aspera) e Sid Lamar (Schwefelgelb). Il duo propone oscura synth-wave di chiara matrice anni '80, in bilico tra episodi ballabili e momenti maggiormente sperimentali e introspettivi.
Winter Severity Index is a New Wave project from Rome, Italy by Simona Ferrucci, singer, guitarist, composer and songwriter.
The project was born in 2009 as a traditional band, formed by four young women. During 2010 the band published a self-released EP, "Winter Severity Index", distributed by AF Music, now sold-out. In the same year and in 2011 the band received lots of good reviews all over Europe and performed gigs in Italy, in Berlin at Death#Disco and in Lisbon, at the Graveyard Fest.
In January 2012 the project took the form of a duo, after the decision of two members to leave the band. Simona continued collaborating with Valentina Fanigliulo, a.k.a. Mushy.
Simona and Mushy published a new track "Embracing the void" on the Death # Disco Compilation Volume 2. They recorded the new EP " Survival Rate", released on May 2013 by Blood Rock Records. The EP, almost sold out, has been widely distributed all over the world and collected many of good reviews from music magazines and web-zines.
At the moment Simona is collaborating with Alessandra Romeo (ex Cat Fud and Bohemien).
They recorded on 2013 the track "Static Cold" for "Riding the Crest of the Frozen Wave", a tribute compilation to The Frozen Autumn, released by Calembour Records and, during this year, the first LP of the project, "Slanting Ray", that will be released on April 2014 by Manic Depression and Blood Rock Records. In their music a cold vintage drum machine rhythm section meets the liquid melancholic atmospheres of Simona's guitar and the ethereal Alessandra's synths.
Via Bencivenga 1 (angolo via Nomentana) Roma
Locale storico delle capitale, lo Zoobar, non ha bisogno di presentazioni, da quest'anno in veste più rinnovata, vera essenza del "club underground", notturno, magico ed assolutamente mitteleuropeo. Concepito come una "warehouse" la struttura ricorda una "factory", atmosfere molto berlinesi stile Kreuzberg. Un sound system di qualità e un ottimo light service, sopra, un lucernario a piramide. E molto di più. Facilmente raggiungibile, il locale affaccia su via Nomentana poco dopo P.zza Bologna, ampio parcheggio davanti.
Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
angolo via momentana
Tel: 339/27.27.995
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