" - In this autumn night, the moon will buy paintings from her ! -
Ex Voto returns to the Shelter Club -
Viola Violetta brings her creature in the Temple of the Dark, once again.
This night will be dyed black and will have a really special guest -
Already known to many of us with her show " Out of Rain " on Radio Darkitalia's web frequencies, from Naples, a very welcome presence in Ex Voto - Dark Night: Safiria.
" Sounds as Forms in Movement "
In console, at her, will alternate the Ex Voto's resident djs: dj Lenz, Dj-Skull and dj Vision.
Passions - desire - each with their own unmistakable and personal style.
And while ur night will pass between the neon lights and the smokes of the Room, the photographs of " attimi su pellicola " and Alessandro Ridolfo will capture every moment you have lived in the dance-floor.
" - In this autumn night the moon is not alone " .
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