venerdi 24/10/2014
Concerto Deathstars
Messaggio dal gruppo:
unfortunately one hour ago our tour bus broke down just after Graz. The engine is broken and there is no way we can fix it until tomorrow morning. We are very sorry for that but we won't make it to Cesena tomorrow.
The Band will make a post about the cancellation on their channels. Please do so as well:
- Even though Deatglam is larger than life, sometimes tourbusses kill our agenda. We are very sorry to miss the show in Cesena because of a simple fucking bus engine. We will restart the motors of darkness and put the pedal to the metal on the burning highways of Italy again. It's my new home country, so I feel truly sad at heart. Forza Darkness! Forza Italy!
/Whiplasher - Deathstars
unfortunately one hour ago our tour bus broke down just after Graz. The engine is broken and there is no way we can fix it until tomorrow morning. We are very sorry for that but we won't make it to Cesena tomorrow.
The Band will make a post about the cancellation on their channels. Please do so as well:
- Even though Deatglam is larger than life, sometimes tourbusses kill our agenda. We are very sorry to miss the show in Cesena because of a simple fucking bus engine. We will restart the motors of darkness and put the pedal to the metal on the burning highways of Italy again. It's my new home country, so I feel truly sad at heart. Forza Darkness! Forza Italy!
/Whiplasher - Deathstars
Annunciata la nuova data italiana del tour dei Deathstars, previsto per marzo e posticipato a ottobre. A distanza di due anni dall - ultima esibizione, ritorna in Italia una delle più importanti realtà in ambito industrial metal, gli svedesi Deathstars.
La band scandinava presenterà il quarto album in studio (Nuclear Blast Records). Le registrazioni avverranno allo Studio Bohus sotto la guida di Roberto Laghi, che produrrà l - album in collaborazione con - Nightmare Industries -
I Deathstars sono Andreas - Whiplasher Bernadotte - Bergh (voce), Emil - Nightmare Industries - N - dtveidt (chitarra, tastiere), Jonas - Skinny Disco - Kangur (basso, cori), Oscar - Vice - Leander (batteria).
Assolutamente da non perdere!
Di seguito i dettagli dello show:
24 Ottobre 2014 - Apertura ore 20.30
+ special guest
Biglietto prevendita Ticket One: 23,00e + commissioni
Biglietto alla cassa del locale: 25,00e
Biglietto prevendita HardCash: 20,00e
Evento inserito il 27/02/2014, ultimo aggiornamento del 24/10/2014, visto 2271 volte (rate:0.61)
Tutti gli eventi nella stessa data
Artisti in concerto
Via Nazionale, 1130
San vittore (FC)
Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
Tel: 0547.662211
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