- Subbacultcha Half Price Bar
From 24:00 to 01:00 Half Price Drinks!
- Dance Till You Die
Can you count, suckers?
I say, the future is ours - if you can count!
Now, look what we have here before us.
We got the Saracens sitting next to the Jones Street Boys.
We've got the Moonrunners right by the Van Cortlandt Rangers.
Nobody is wasting nobody.
That - is a miracle. And miracles is the way things ought to be.
You're standing right now with nine delegates from 100 gangs.
And there's over a hundred more.
That's 20,000 hardcore members.
Forty-thousand, counting affiliates, and twenty-thousand more, not organized, but ready to fight: 60,000 soldiers!
Now, there ain't but 20,000 police in the whole town.
Can you dig it?
Can you dig it?
Can you dig it?
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