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sabato 05/11/2011

Concerto Kirlian Camera

Ander The Moon, Sputnik, Obscure Night & MetaMorfosi LivExperience proudly present:

KIRLIAN CAMERA (Synthpop/Darkwave legend) live @Big Bang

opening act: Plastic Autumn (Electro Funk/New Wave from Germany)

A seguire aftershow by Dj Severance & Dj Demon
Alternative, 80's, Goth, Postpunk, Darkwave, Minimal, Ebm, Industrial, Neo Folk

"Kirlian Camera is one of those special music projects that will have connoisseurs raving on about how good they are with glowing eyes, that manages to fuse sonic experiments, club-compatibility, anthemic pathos and a wholly unique aura into a one-of-a-kind experience and that has been able to span generations of fans. Founded in Spring 1980 by Angelo Bergamini, the band has been releasing albums with music that can be of exceptional beauty, ingrained with experimental fury and imprinted with a sparkling catchiness over the past three decades – sounds without bounds that all carry that unmistakable Kirlian Camera trait. Anthems like “Eclipse”, “Heldenplatz”, “K-Pax” or the more recent, mesmerizing epos “Odyssey Europa” (the song) and “E.D.O. – Europa Drama Orbit” are mandatory spins at underground discos around the world and the band is fervently worshiped by its fans at live shows. Since 2000, the creative core of the band consists of Angelo Bergamini and the highly charismatic, beautiful and strong-voiced singer, composer and performer Elena Alice Fossi, who was also part of the project “Stalingrad” with Bergamini and who helmed “Sideratica”, the project that has now evolved into the highly successful all-girl indie-band “SPECTRA*paris.” After the critically acclaimed mini album “Shadow Mission: HELD V” and the anthologies “Odyssey Europa” and “Not Of This World”, Kirlian Camera are going to release their brand new single “GHLÓIR AR AN OÍCHE“, an intense and stunning appetizer for the upcoming new album that, as Bergamini says “will capture the essence of Kirlian Camera like never before.” With a big tour in Europe/USA/Canada ("Nightglory Tour 2011-2012"), big festival gigs and the best album they have ever recorded by far, Kirlian Camera are adding an impressive, new and hugely important piece to the puzzle of their own legend in 2011"

Sarà presente lo stand di Planetaria Store
Evento inserito il 10/08/2011, visto 2204 volte (rate:2.21)

Big Bang

via di Monte Testaccio 22


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
Metro B stazione Piramide

ex Zoobar

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