Hosted by the prestigious Micca Club, the fourth Torture Garden Italy Opening Party event will kick start the weekend with a due homage to the art of Burlesque.
Thanks to the wickedly gorgeous performances of Roxy Velvet, Kitty Bang Bang and Mademoiselle Katarina we will be taken into a world of shiny feathers and gorgeous corsets, enticing garter belts and luminous pearls.
Ospitato dal prestigioso Micca Club, l'Opening Party del Quarto Torture Garden Italia darà il via al weekend con un dovuto omaggio all'arte del Burlesque.
Grazie alle strepitose performance di Roxy Velvet, Kitty Bang Bang e Mademoiselle Katarina, verremo trasportati in un modo di piume lucenti e sontuosi corsetti, eccitanti giarrettiere e preziosi diademi di perle.
Stage Preformances by:
Roxy Velvet
in a traditional burlesque extravaganza
Kitty Bang Bang
bringing a ballerina talent to burlesque performance
Mademoiselle Katarina
the Slovakian queen of burlesque
Presented by
Alessandro Casella
Our Host and Micca Club Art Director
Mash Up Dancefloor
Dark Cabaret, Circus Freakshow, Swing, Gypsy Punk, Vegas Grind, Weimar Berlin, Boudoir Exotica Electro Clash by:
DJ David TG - DJ The Secretary - DJ 51
Torture Garden Visuals Projected by Baby Vj Videosolid
Dresscode Appreciated But Not Required
Door Selection by Silvia
Tickets Ritual Members & Micca Club Members: E 5.00
Reduction List: E 10.00
At The Door: E 15.00
Reduction List:
To get your name on the Reduction List, send text or call
Per inserire il proprio nominativo nella Lista Riduzioni manda un sms o chiama
+39 334 5200186
or else send an eMail to
oppure manda un E - Mail a
Evento inserito il 06/05/2010, visto 1845 volte (rate:0.58)
Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
(Porta Maggiore)
Info line 0687440079
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