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venerdi 23/02/2024

Concerto Kara Delik + Pheromones

KARA DELIK (post-punk, new-wave)
PHEROMONES (heavy pop)

The Anatolian post-punk, Kraut-Welle, psych-dub, sounds of Kara Delik is rooted in the history of Anatolian rock, Neue Deutsche Welle, and dub, all delivered with a zesty, post-punk, explosive live punch.
The international trio of Bar - ner [Istanbul Ghetto Club] on saz, Andi Sommer [Henry Fonda, Yacht Communism] on bass and synths, and drummer Eilis Frawley [Anika, Laura Lee & The Jettes] interweave energetic, complex rhythms, soundscapes, and effects, creating an industrious post-punk melee of Anatolian heat.
Founded in 2020, Kara Delik first exploded onto the Berlin scene with their debut EP Tamam, before taking their sounds across the continent, later rewarding fans with a tetralogy of EPs, entitled Singularities. Having played across the continent and multiple festivals, with an album in the pipeline, no-one is safe from being pulled in the music vortex of Kara Delik.


- LELE FEAR dj set (Black Square/Wave Pride)
New Wave - Post Punk- Synthpop

21:30 apertura
dj set LELE FEAR prima e dopo i concerti
contributo ingresso 5 €

L'ingresso al Circolo Nadir è riservato ai soci Arci. Pre-tesseramento necessario al link - https://portale.arci.it/preadesione/circolonadir

Evento inserito il 22/02/2024, visto 353 volte

Circolo Nadir

Piazzetta Gasparotto Cesira, 10


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