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martedi 03/10/2023

Concerto The Foreign Resort

Formed in 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Foreign Resort has spent 10 years creating and honing an explosive yet melancholy post-punk sound that is as rich as it is exciting, and as immediate as it is dark and deep.
The band combines the shadowy mysticism of The Cure’s Pornography era with a driving production aesthetic akin to LCD Soundsystem. Intricate reverb-enveloped guitar lines glide over Steffan Petersen’s bass and Morten Hansen’s powerful drumming, all while Mikkel Borbjerg Jakobsen’s taut and sincere vocal delivery demands attention.
The Foreign Resort have toured relentlessly, addicted to the allure of America’s lost highways, sharing bills with bands like Cold Cave, DIIV, The Soft Moon, She Past Away, The KVB, Slowdive, Minor Victories, Ash Code and many more. Since 2010, the band has been rigorous in playing more than 420 shows across North America and Europe with performances at several festivals, including SXSW, Iceland Airwaves, Wave Gotik Treffen, Canadian Music Week, POP Montreal, and Nocturnal Culture Night.
After releasing several independent albums, and eager to take their sound to that next level, the band has inked a deal with popular Toronto-based Artoffact Records
“If you’re into the heavily distorted and tortured howls of Joy Division and My Bloody Valentine, you may want to book a date with this Danish four-piece.”
-Gilles Leblanc, Consequence of Sound

Evento inserito il 28/09/2023, visto 464 volte

Drunk in public

Via Giacomo Brodolini, 24

Morrovalle (MC)

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