Metamorphosis Club Concerto Balletto di Bronzo + Ape Skull
Balletto di Bronzo (Occult Prog Rock 70's)
Saturday 5th March 2022 at Traffic Club, Rome.
Il Balletto di Bronzo is considered by many as the most original band in whole Italian Progressive Rock scene of the early 70es as many other bands of that period owe something directly or indirectly to this group as a reference point for music and image. Singer and keyboardist Gianni Leone composed the music for the legendary album "YS", still considered worldwide as an absolute masterpiece. Unfortunately at that time it was not possible for his name to appear on the cover as the original composer. Il Balletto di Bronzo made many concerts between 1970 and 1973, taking part to the most important festivals where also bands like Colosseum and Genesis performed, then suddenly split. From 1975 to 1995 Gianni Leone adopted the pseudonym LeoNero. Discovered that his full potential as a musician and composer could enable him to become a solo artist rather than being just a singer and keyboard player in a band. He recorded in New York the solo album "Vero", in which he played all the instruments and sung, then moved to Los Angeles where he recorded the album "Monitor", released several singles in Italy. Had frequent contacts with avant-garde musicians both in London and New York. In New York he lived at the Chelsea Hotel and found there inspiration for his music. Also had the chance to play with interesting and heterogeneous musicians, finding himself making music in a room at the Chelsea with Don Cherry and maybe the following night playing wild Rock and Roll in a club with his friends the New York Dolls and Neon Leon. Took part in the birth of the New Wave in Los Angeles, collaborating with the most brilliant artists of the moment. Composed part of the music for the first Videodisk made in the U.S.A. by Tomata du Plenty, leader of the Screamers. In 1992 the CD with two demos from YS sung in English was published and distributed all over the world. The tapes dating back to 1971 had, up to then, never been used. In 1995 Gianni Leone collaborated with the Italian Progressive Rock group DIVAE, taking part in both their CD and various concerts, some of them with the guitarist Gary Green of GENTLE GIANT. Together with the bass player and drummer of the band he reformed BALLETTO DI BRONZO in a trio version.
open act _ APE SKULL
Ape Skull were born in 2008. After various experiences with bands such as "Sciacalli" and "The Others", three friends start a project that plans to continue the path that is part of their background. Blues, Funk and Psychedelia are some of the ingredients that characterize their compositions. The genre can essentially be called Rock! After the first two albums (Ape Skull and Fly Camel Fly, produced by Heavy Psych Records), Ape Skull are happy to present their third work "Fields Of Unconscious", produced by Ape Skull and Skronk Records. Here we find original songs that embody the sound of Ape Skull. It will also include, as in previous albums, a version customized by their sound in this case composed by The Jeronimo (1970). The Ape Skull's Rock still flies and lives in the present, with the ear turned to all the musical genres that inspired the musical revolution of the 60s and 70s.
Metamorphosis - Musick To Play In The Dark
by Anth Severance, Paolo Chemnitz & Tony Lestat.
All genres. Must wear all black. Total Black.
alternative new wave post-punk 80's & 90's rock disco electro industrial metal punk ecc.
Electronic Wave, Neo Post-Punk, Proto Ebm & Industrial Music for emotional engagement, intellectual stimulation, energetic dancing and nostalgic enjoyment.
Use Hearing Protection - 100% vinyl vibe.
Wave Electronic 80's 90's Industrial Acid Downtempo New Beat Disco
Ticket 10€, dopo i concerti free entry tutta la notte.
Ingresso con green pass rafforzato obbligatorio.
Info - 39 333 2572070
Tutti gli eventi nella stessa data
Via Prenestina, 738
Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
da Piazzale Prenestino 7 minuti (1 minuto dopo il quagliaro) dal GRA uscita 16 verso il centro 5 minuti
112 da Largo Preneste Notturno n.18 da piazza Venezia
Il locale si è trasferito in via prenestina nel 2011. Prima di allora era in vVia Vacuna 98

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