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sabato 19/02/2022

Metamorphosis Club Concerto Winter Severity Index

Metamorphosis - Alternative Clubbing
Saturday 19th February, Traffic Rome
special guest: tba
Winter Severity Index is a Cold Wave/Shoegaze/Post-Punk project from Rome, Italy, by Simona Ferrucci, singer, guitarist, bass player composer and songwriter.
It was born in 2009 as a traditional band, formed by four young women.
During 2010 the band published a self-released EP, "Winter Severity Index", distributed by AF Music, now sold-out.
In the same year and in 2011 the band received lots of good reviews all over Europe and performed gigs in Italy, in Berlin and in Lisbon, at the Graveyard Fest.
In January 2012 the project took the form of a duo, after the decision of two members to leave the band. Simona continued collaborating with Valentina Fanigliulo ( a.k.a. Mushy) . Simona and Valentina recorded the new EP " Survival Rate", released on May 2013 by Blood Rock Records. The EP, now sold out, has been widely distributed and collected many of good reviews from music magazines and web-zines.
Now Simona is collaborating with Alessandra Romeo ( ex Cat Fud and Bohemien).They recorded the first LP of the project, "Slanting Ray", released on April 2014 by Manic Depression and Blood Rock Records, now sold out. The album was presented in several venues and festivals all over Europe and was mentioned as one of the best New Wave album of the year by many magazines, both in Italy and abroad. Their second LP Human Taxonomy, was released the 15th of May by Manic Depression Records, presented live for the first time at Wave Gothic Treffen, Leipzig, and then in a lot of european venues and festivals. It was mentioned as one of the best production of 2016 by several reviews both in Italy and abroad.

Metamorphosis Alternative Clubbing
- Musick To Play In The Dark.
Music by Anth Severance, Paul Chemnitz, Tony Lestat
alternative music retro wave neo post-punk 80's & 90's gothic rock disco electro ebm techno industrial metal punk ecc.
All genres. Must wear all black. Total Black.
Electronic Wave, Neo Post-Punk, Proto Ebm & Industrial Music for emotional engagement, intellectual stimulation, energetic dancing and nostalgic enjoyment.
Use Hearing Protection - 100% vinyl vibe.
Wave Electronic 80's 90's Industrial Acid Downtempo New Beat Disco

Green pass rafforzato & ffp2.
Ingresso 5 euro, dopo i concerti free entry tutta la notte.
Info - 39 333 2572070
Evento inserito il 13/01/2022, ultimo aggiornamento del 03/02/2022, visto 783 volte (rate:1.25)

Organizzazione evento



Via Prenestina, 738


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
da Piazzale Prenestino 7 minuti (1 minuto dopo il quagliaro) dal GRA uscita 16 verso il centro 5 minuti
112 da Largo Preneste Notturno n.18 da piazza Venezia

Il locale si è trasferito in via prenestina nel 2011. Prima di allora era in vVia Vacuna 98


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