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sabato 29/04/2017

Sequences #1 Concerto Parade ground

Sequences #1 è un punto di partenza, un luogo astratto tra spazio e tempo, dove il binomio analog/digital è sempre in continuo contrasto, neo-postpunk, psichedelia, nuove tendenze retrofuturiste. Dal vivo i Parade Ground, duo minimal synth attivi fin dai primissimi anni '80, anche loro dal Belgio al pari di Front 242, Absolute Body Control, The Neon Judgement, Dive, Klinik, A Split Second ecc. segue aftershow tutta la notte [maggiori dettagli nei contenuti dell'evento].
Ci vediamo dunque Sabato 29 Aprile, nel cuore del pigneto, al Trenta Formiche, locale punto di riferimento dell'underground romano e non solo, che da anni supporta la scena indipendente, proponendo sempre live di qualità e format trasversali.

Live on stage:
parade ground [Infacted Recordings - Belgium]

Parade Ground are the creation of two brothers Jean-Marc and Pierre Pauly in 1981. Considered as pionneers of the cold wave, synth pop and EBM. Their first 7" was released in 1983 produced by Daniel B and Patrick Codenys (Front 242) on the New Dance label. After various maxi singles, still produced by members of Front 242 but also by Colin Newman (Wire), their first album is released in 1988 under the title 'Cut Up'. Parade Ground will then write and compose on two Front 242 albums ('Up evil' and 'Off'). After several years devoted to other activities, namely litterary and plastic art, the brothers make their come back in 2007 with a new album 'Rosary' produced, this time, by Patrick Codenys (Front 242). In 2011, a vinyl compilation album 'The Golden Years' is released on Dark Entries Records USA. 2012: Release of a vinyl album 'The 15th Floor' including unreleased tracks from the eighties. 2014: career-summarizing CD 'Strange World' on Infacted Recordings 'Classic Series'. The future is now !


Parade Ground | Gold Rush:

Parade Ground | Moans:

ROOM 1 - t h e f a c t o r y f l o o r

Dj Severance
Dj Diego
Dj Kowalski
Dj Frank Black

Alternative | Wave | Indie | 80's | Postpunk
Darkwave | Batcave | Classic Goth
MinimalSynth | Early Industrial | EBM

- Photos by Alessandro Schiariti Photo Art
- Open 10pm - Close 5am

- Contributo associativo 5 euro.
[Ingresso per i soci con tessera Arci]

powered by
MetaMorfosi Alternative Club & Enjoy New Wave.

promoted by Junk Culture

Evento inserito il 27/04/2017, visto 1519 volte

Artisti in concerto

Parade ground (be)

30 Formiche

Via del Mandrione, 3


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
(Zona Pigneto)
Circolo ARCI

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