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giovedi 22/09/2016

Atmosphere Concerto Poison Point + Bleib Modern

concerti e dj set curati e proposti da ATMOSPHERE


Arrivano in tour anche in Italia, da Lione (FR) i Poison Point, giovane duo darkwave che apriranno il concerto dei tedeschi Bleib Moder:

Poison Point is born in the form of a one man-machine band in 2015 and operated by french boy Timothée Gainet. It features screaming synths hammered by a frantic drum machine, the whole driven by a sharp bass sound and topped by Tim prime time darkwave vocals. Since august 2016 Poison Point is a two piece band, join by Arnaud Derochefort on keyboards, live drum machine and programming


Bleib Modern, once a solo project founded by Philipp, is one of the most talked about new Coldwave bands in Germany. In the meantime, the project grow to become a band, consisting of 5 members and a lot of changes happened during past months: There is almost nothing left of the original Depeche Mode-inspired sound. From electric instruments to guitars, bass and smooth drum beats and psychedelic, sad, but absolutely beautiful vocals: Bleib Modern (German for: remain modern) have developped their very own sound universe, that is both unique and original! Philipps lyrics are extremely eleborate and well written: it’s all about ‘no love, depression and hate’...

H 00.00 djset by post punk/dark wave by Atmosphere


Ingresso 3 euro con tessera AICS
Evento inserito il 17/08/2016, ultimo aggiornamento del 15/09/2016, visto 1204 volte (rate:2.29)

Organizzazione evento



Via Emilio Zago, 14

Bologna (BO)

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