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sabato 14/11/2015

Concerto Lebanon Hanover + Selofan

Lebanon Hanover and Selofan are among the protagonists of Fabrika Records. Their gloomy romantic enters deep into the emotional world of the listener.


Lebanon Hanover come from England and Germany, since 2011 they released four records, which have been sold out immediately and gained a legend status in the contemporary dark and cold wave scene. Larissa Iceglass and William Maybelline express a universal emotion with the elegance of their guitar parts, the sad bass and synthesizer melodies.


Selofan emerge from the greek underground. Since 2012 they released two LPs, played gigs around the world, moving between new wave and synth punk the duo brings back the raw scent of the 80s.

Get ready for a night of strong emotions coming straight from the blackest abyss!
Evento inserito il 24/09/2015, ultimo aggiornamento del 28/10/2015, visto 1731 volte (rate:2.91)

Artisti in concerto


Phobic Club

Via della Pila, 103

Venezia (VE)

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