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Revolver Club

Via Kennedy, 39
San Donà di Piave (VE)
Risorsa inserita il 03/03/2015, visto 6931 volte (rate:0.06)

Eventi passati

sab 19/3/2011 Dark Era - The Golden Years + Concerto Madame Sadowsky
ven 31/12/2010 The bang
sab 18/12/2010 Concerto Camerata mediolanense + Roma amor
sab 23/10/2010 Concerto Front line assembly
sab 15/5/2010 The eternal
gio 31/12/2009 Vampyra - Goth New Year
sab 11/3/2023 Remember Venice Vampire Original Line UP
ven 9/12/2022 Concerto Covenant
sab 9/3/2019 Maleficent + Concerto Geometric Vision
sab 6/1/2018 Beetlejuice Horror Party + Concerto Spleen Orchestra
sab 13/5/2017 Concerto 69 Eyes
sab 1/4/2017 Dark fest + Concerto Permanent + Strange Mode + Jujus
ven 10/3/2017 VeniceVampires Fest + Concerto Lacrimas Profundere
sab 1/10/2016 Concerto Death in june + Spiritual front
sab 5/3/2016 Venice Vampire Inferno + Concerto Alien Vampires
sab 26/12/2015 Venice Vampire Remember
sab 3/5/2014 Concerto Kirlian Camera + Blackbeat + Alkemic Generator
sab 5/4/2014 Concerto Bloody mary
sab 11/1/2014 Venice Vampire + Concerto First black pope
sab 14/12/2013 Concerto Alien Vampires
sab 9/11/2013 Venice Vampire
ven 18/10/2013 Revolver + Concerto Surgery
sab 21/9/2013 Venice Vampire
sab 15/6/2013 Venice Vampire + Concerto Virus Infekt
sab 8/9/2012 Concerto Press Gang Metropol + The Mescaline Babies + The Helleborus
sab 9/6/2012 Venice Vampire: The closing party
sab 28/4/2012 Venice Vampire
dom 8/4/2012 Redemption + Concerto Frozen autumn
sab 24/3/2012 Venice vampire: the seventh sigil party
ven 16/3/2012 Sepolcro zero + Concerto Soviet Soviet
sab 28/1/2012 Venice Vampire + Concerto Distortion choice + Ravenous
ven 20/1/2012 Synthology party + Concerto Jolaurlo + Wht not losers
ven 23/12/2011 Venice Vampire
sab 28/5/2011 Bite the Bit Festival + Concerto Project Pitchfork + Laether Strip + Noisuf X + Spetsnax + Autodafeh + Noisuf-X + Halo effect
sab 30/4/2011 Congresso Postindustriale + Concerto Peter Anderson vs. Raison d'être + Troum + Mueran Humanos + K11 + Dijinn
sab 23/4/2011 Redempion + Concerto Distortion choice
sab 19/3/2011 Dark era - The golden years + Concerto Madame Sadowsky
sab 22/1/2011 Goth Shadows Night + Concerto SheSaid
sab 15/1/2011 ElectroGoth Party + Concerto X-RX + Wormz
sab 18/9/2010 Concerto Signal aout 42 + Agrezzior + Metal music machine
sab 31/10/2009 Concerto Halo effect
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