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Jungle club

via di monte testaccio 95
00153 Roma

Informazioni sul locale:

(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per delle serate specifiche)

Tel: 333-7208694

Eventi passati

ven 2/11/2007 Bloody bat party
ven 12/10/2007 Dance or die + Concerto Date at midnight
sab 9/6/2007 Bats over Rome + Dead and Buried
sab 2-30/6/2007 Obscure night
sab 2/6/2007 Concerto Black Sun
sab 5/5/2007 Dunkle zone + Concerto Perverse stuff
sab 7/4-28/5/2005 Gothic Industrial 80's Dancefloor
sab 24/2/2007 Evily night + Gothica.it party
sab 17/2-3/3/2007 Evily night
sab 20/1/2007 Das Industrielle Kompendium
sab 13/1/2007 Malice underground
sab 23/12/2006 Dunkle nacht before Christmas
ven 8/12/2006 Concerto The victorian english gentlemen's club
gio 7/12/2006 Dunkle Zone - Depeche mode tribute night + Concerto The exciter
sab 28/10/2006 Dunkle zone + Concerto Epilept convulse
sab 23/9-25/11/2006 Dunkle zone
sab 2/9/2006 Dunkle zone
sab 29/7/2006 Krypta Gothic Night
sab 27/5/2006 Gothic night
sab 20/5/2006 Paris spleen + Concerto Ataraxia
ven 17/3/2006 Gothic night
sab 18/2/2006 Gothic night + Concerto Klonavenus
sab 7/1-29/7/2006 Gothic night
gio 5/1/2006 Befana party
sab 31/12/2005 Tim Burton's + MegaGoth Party
lun 31/10/2005 Halloween party
sab 29/10/2005 Gothic night
ven 9/9/2005 Party anni 80 + Rock alternative night
ven 2/9/2005 The Smiths Party
sab 21/5/2005 Concerto Scary bitches
ven 15/4/2005 Gothic night + Concerto Kyrie
ven 8/4/2005 Concerto Hiroshima Mon Amour
ven 25/3/2005 Concerto DBPit + Lendormin
ven 4/3/2005 Gothic night + Concerto Kyrie
ven 25/2/2005 Gothic night + Concerto Ashram
ven 18/2/2005 Gothic night + Concerto Ataraxia
ven 11/2/2005 Gothic night + Concerto Pulvinar
ven 4/2/2005 Concerto Kardia
ven 28/1/2005 Concerto Avant garde
ven 21/1/2005 Gothic night + Concerto Morgana's kiss
ven 14/1/2005 Gothic night + Concerto Notorious
ven 7/1/2005 Concerto Argine
mer 5/1/2005 Befana gothic
ven 31/12/2004 Megagoth party
dom 26/12/2004 Christmas a go! go!
ven 17/12/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Space dementia
ven 10/12/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Other voices
mar 7/12/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Exciter's
ven 3/12/2004 Gothic night + Concerto The frials
ven 19/11/2004 Concerto Neither/Neither world
sab 13/11/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Last dance
dom 31/10/2004 Fairies gothic box
ven 29/10/2004 Concerto Dwelling
ven 22/10/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Notorious
sab 16/10/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Halo effect
ven 8/10/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Pure Cult
ven 1/10/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Pulvinar
ven 24/9/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Chaor order
ven 17/9/2004 Concerto Frankenstein
ven 27/8/2004 Concerto Ikon
ven 10/7-17/12/2005 Gothic night
ven 9/7/2004 Concerto Argine
sab 3/7/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Incu3ation + Cybertron
ven 25/6/2004 Concerto Ataraxia
sab 15/5/2004 Concerto Electric company
ven 30/4/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Mr Ziggy and the Glass Spiders
sab 24/4/2004 Concerto TV lumiere
ven 23/4/2004 Concerto Bohemien
dom 11/4/2004 Gothica.it party Resurrection day
sab 3/4/2004 Gothic night + Sfilata goth-cyber
sab 27/3/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Kardia
ven 26/3/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Soundage
dom 14/3/2004 Gothic night + Concerto FM Estetiche ritmiche
sab 13/3/2004 Gothic night + Concerto Pendulum
sab 21/2/2004 Concerto Violet pleasure
gio 19/2/2004 Goth party
ven 30/1/2004 Concerto Morgana's kiss
mer 31/12/2003 Megagoth party
dom 7/12/2003 Gothica.it party
ven 7/11/2003 Concerto Spiritual front
ven 31/10/2003 Gothic night + Concerto Electric company
ven 4/10-10/7/2004 Gothic night
Se siete a conoscenza di informazioni aggiuntive sul locale, altri eventi/serate/concerti in programma, indicazioni per raggiungerlo, orari di apertura o altri dati non segnalati, oppure in caso di errori o imprecisioni potete segnalarlo all'indirizzo .

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