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domenica 08/12/2024

Concerto Crime & City Solution

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Support: Joshua Murphy + Dead Miranda

Il progetto Crime & the City Solution (Acoustic) sarà in tour in tutta Europa dalla fine di Novembre 2024: dal vivo Bronwyn Adams (violino e voce), Simon Bonney (voce) e Joshua Murphy (chitarra acustica e voce), per reinterpretare e riproporre versioni acustiche del repertorio della band dedicate a vecchi e nuovi fan. Questo nuovo show nasce in realtà dal desiderio primordiale di suonare il materiale nello stile originale con cui molte canzoni sono inizialmente state scritte e composte, creando un'atmosfera intima in grado di catturare l'attenzione e generare gioia, tra amici, senza mediazioni tecnologiche o apparecchiature elettriche.
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Evento inserito il 24/10/2024, visto 277 volte (rate:2.53)
Artisti in concerto:
Crime & City Solution

Formed in Sydney by Simon Bonney at the age of 16, Crime & the City Solution’s early performances from 1977-1979 had a big impact on key figures of the early Melbourne art-punk/post punk scene. In 1984, Bad Seed Mick Harvey shipped Bonney to England to form the London based Crime with their friend the brilliant and ever influential ex-Birthday Party guitarist Rowland S Howard, with his brother Harry Howard on bass and Epic Soundtracks on drums. Two years on, having toured Europe, the UK and US and released several EPs and an album, this lineup reached its zenith at its finale in a historic swansong performance in Wim Wenders’ cinematic masterpiece ‘Wings of Desire’.

Bonney has said his true voice and the definitive sound he sought emerged with the next, Berlin based incarnation of Crime & the City Solution, which recorded three studio albums and a live CD between 1986 and 1991. With a more experimental sound, which drew less on Melbourne post punk scene roots and took a more explorative musical approach, this lineup was 50% Berliner and featured Einstürzende Neubauten’s Alexander Hacke on guitar, ex-DAF/Liaisons Dangereuses electronic genius Chrislo Haas on vintage Korg patchbay synth, and free jazz bassist Thomas Stern. The lineup was completed by Australians Mick Harvey on drums and Bonney’s longtime lyrical collaborator Bronwyn Adams on violin.

In 2012, now based in their new home city of Detroit, the band returned with their fifth studio album, American Twilight: “as much an elegy to the American Dream that’s turned into a global nightmare as it is a damn fine rock & roll album” -The Quietus

“… expert at locating something holy in the rubble” – Uncut 8/10 on American Twilight

“Widescreen, complex and often breathtaking in scope and attack” – Record Collector 4/5 on American Twilight“If Crime & The City Solution wanted to show the world that they were back, loud and still willing to sprinkle a bit of magical dust onto a holy book and invoke the devil, their Friday night in London was a success.” – Music OMH live review of 2012 London performance
Circolo Arci Bellezza
Via Giovanni Bellezza, 16

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