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venerdi 25/10/2019

Concerto Hapax + Emil Moonstone & The Anomalies

Metamorphosis Club proudly presents:

HAPAX (Swiss Dark Nights Records)

HAPAX is a post-punk and synth wave from Italy founded in 2014.
Their music could be categorized as post-punk, cold wave and synth wave.

New album "Monade" Official Tour

The album is based on the dramatic idea that there is a hopeless gap between words and reality and that each attempt to speak triggers a distressing conceptual catch. Language deconstruction unhinged the modern man from faith in words, conceived as expression of the Absolute Truth. World coordinates become then unclear: we can either anchor in the past and look outside through the deforming lens of memory, or turn ourselves to the vision of a comforting but fictional Eternity.

This third release is a work about the impossibility to communicate, since communication is just an artifact of the so-called "real". And still Monade keeps endlessly playing with the foolish (auto)illusion of its possibility.

Shining Lover >

Parallel Words >

Special guest_ Emil Moonstone & The Anomalies

Emil Moonstone is an Italian singer and composer.
In 1992 he formed the "South Breed Out" band noise of which he is the leader and the voice. He had been previously part of the punk band, always as the founder, (Burp, Nevrotic Heads, DDT, Flying chips, Pastonudo).

After years of inactivity decides his return on the scene, and with the inevitable other soul of "Two Moons" (but also the previously mentioned groups, except the "Pastonudo") Joshep Rips Asanda (Two Moons, European Ghost) he forms the Two Moons, band with which is still in full activity with 1 EP and 3 albums.

Emil Moonstone will be shortly undertaking what he calls "a solo parenthesis" with an album entirely written and played by himself, a proposal and a search for different sounds from the previous. A one man show project, which expresses almost 30 years of music in different bands, this time for better or for worse not contaminated by other components or collaborations.
Emil Moonstone is an Anomalies. In the classical nomenclature of rock where the Artists are classified as front man / backing band the preconceived notions of importance are inherent. It is easy to focus on Moonstone and ignore the fact that on stage, he is shoulder to shoulder with a group of musicians with whom he creates something beyond that each of them would achieve alone.
The Anomalies, a band composed by Vandemortele (synth and drum pad) and Antimo (guitars), were founded for support in live concerts of the Moonstone solo project, they integrate very soon even before going on stage becoming one integral part of the project. Their task was initially to enhance the performances of Moonstone making the live concerts always an unicum, their task now is to be the band "The Anomalies" with Moonstone as vocal.

open act_ by Sacred Legion

Formed in September 2017 by Fabiano (formerly of Chants of Maldoror) Mirko (formerly of Human Disease and Sex Chair Provider) and Tony Volume (also in Idol Lips).
Playing evocative, aggressive and crude dark rock with male vocals, lots of attitude and no compromises.
Debut album somewhere in 2019.

Aftershow by_ Metamorphosis Club Group [100% vinyl set]

Wave | Post-punk | Darkwave | Classic Goth | Voodoo Rock
Minimal | Industrial | E.b.m - Acid House | New Beat

- Open 9pm - Ticket 5€

Evento inserito il 17/10/2019, visto 1166 volte
Artisti in concerto:
Hapax (it)
Emil Moonstone & The Anomalies (it)
Via Prenestina, 738

Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
da Piazzale Prenestino 7 minuti (1 minuto dopo il quagliaro) dal GRA uscita 16 verso il centro 5 minuti
112 da Largo Preneste Notturno n.18 da piazza Venezia

Il locale si è trasferito in via prenestina nel 2011. Prima di allora era in vVia Vacuna 98
Organizzazione evento:
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