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venerdi 12/06/2015

Concerto My Invisible Friend

My Invisible Friend (Noise/Shoegaze) live venerdì 12 giugnoh 22.00 al MIkasa club via Emilio Zago 14,, Bologna

Ingresso con tessera AICS
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A seguire djset Dark Wave/’80 Atmosphere

“The music is loud and proactive in its concussive force; their songs are forces of nature, content to wash over everything in a haze of reverb and massive amounts of distortion. But it's not a matter of simple rhythmic overkill; there are shades of melodic subtlety that you wouldn't necessarily expect to find, and the songs are all the more fascinating for it.”
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"Our track of the day ‘Eyes’ is the stand out tune from their debut EP. Gossamer delicate barely there vocals float above the billowing drone of wailing reverbing guitars, which combine to conjure up an all-encompassing otherworldly ambience. Mixing light and shade, dissonance and harmony it has that graceful driving beauty that was evident in early Ride and Slowdive releases."
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“Qui non parliamo solo di shoegaze: questa band italiana riesce a mischiare sapientementeJesus And Mary Chain, Telescopes e Spacemen 3. Psichedelìa e rumorismo, viaggi spaziali con la ripetitività kraut che li contraddistingue. All’attivo con pochi singoli, li attendiamo al varco.”
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"The stand out track is the opener ‘O.N.S.’ where over half whispered, blissed out vocals heavily fuzzed out, distorted guitars buzz while the bass guitar locks together with the relentless beat of a Roland TR-505 drum machine. The other two tracks here are also excellent, guitars roar over the metronomic rhythms of the drum machine while ethereal voices emerge from the mix in a wave of beautiful noise. It's great way to start the year.”
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"My Invisible Friend es un trío conformado por Ann Christian y Joe, que empieza el año presentándose con un Ep de tres canciones que toman sonidos del noise, el post punk, el shoegaze para así abrirse paso en Italia y la web, para darse a conocer. Sí les gustan esos sonidos medio cutres y un poco oscuros llenos de reverberaciones y el fuzz, estoy seguro que van a disfrutar del Ep Homónimo de estos italianos.”
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"The newly debuted trio from Parma, Italy, plays with much of the grainy glow that one would expect from the shoegaze genre but also uses the base of a Roland TR-505 and minimal arrangements to lift their sound into a hallucinogenic Krautrock space, using psychedelic bite to inject livid colours into their mystic rockscape."
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"My Invisible Friend é um trio da região de Parma, na Itália. Formado por Ann no baixo, Cristian e Joe nas guitarras e uma Roland TR-505 como bateria. Os “amigos invisíveis” trazem um som atmosférico e pálido, uma voz etérea e guitarras nervosas, ecoando em meio ao caos sonoro. Um som que mistura elementos shoegaze, noise e krauteock em doses homeopáticas."
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"The Italian trio, My Invisible Friend, make psychedelic/shoegaze/dream pop greats where every song is a new journey on which your mind must depart on. On the 5th of January they released their first self-titled EP, one which has inevitably attracted a fair amount of attention."
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“Se si filtrano colori tenui e suoni decisi e poi si mette il tutto sotto forma di band, uno dei migliori risultati ottenibili oggi sono i My Invisible Friend. O almeno, nelle zone di Parma è così. Primo EP di 3 tracce per questo trio.”
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Evento inserito il 29/05/2015, ultimo aggiornamento del 08/06/2015, visto 1424 volte (rate:2.25)
Artisti in concerto:
My Invisible Friend
Noise/Shoegaze da Parma
Via Emilio Zago, 14
Bologna (BO)
Organizzazione evento:
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